Levenshulme Medical Practice Patient Group Report
Patient Participation Report 2014/15 (DOCX, 34KB)
Patient Participation Report 2013/14 (DOCX, 54KB)
If you are a patient within the practice and have ideas on ways to improve the quality and standards of services provided at Levenshulme Medical Practice - please let us know. Your suggestions and comments are always welcome.
Levenshulme Medical Practice Patient Group
Dear Patient
The Practice is keen to set up a Patient Group and we would like to invite you to become a member of this group. We would like to hear your views on what works, what doesn’t and what improvements you would like to see at the Practice.
We are looking to involve as many patients in the group as possible, on a voluntary basis, so that we can shape and develop the services that we deliver to you, to make sure we offer you the services that you would expect and require. Your contribution would be valued and appreciated in helping us to help you, so we can give you the best quality health care. If you feel we do things well, we would like to know, so we can continue the good work!
What is involved?
Suggestions and Ideas
We would like to hear your views and ideas on what you would like to see from the surgery, so we can identify areas for improvement and influence the development of the local health services. We will gather this information by inviting you to participate in simple on-line surveys up to four times a year.
Your opinion
Occasionally we may contact you for your opinion on certain proposed changes.
Members of the group will be invited to attend the Patient Group, perhaps twice a year, to discuss the focus of any changes to be made and the outcomes.
Topical Educational Events
We may offer topical educational events, if the members would like us to. Attendance will be offered primarily to Patient Group Members.
Reporting Back
We will publish on our website a report of the Patient Group activity and subsequent achievements.
Finally - if you would like to become a member of the Patient Group, please complete the form and return it to us (DOC, 172KB).
Please note:
- No medical information or questions will be responded to.
- Individual complaints cannot be dealt with through the Patient Group. Complaints should be addressed to the Practice Manager. Copies of our complaints procedure can be requested from the practice.
Please be assured that your contact details will be kept safely and securely, and not shared with anyone else.
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you, and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.